Reference MaterialThis is the first time that we are going to have an "overseas market marketing" event, so we will be sharing some information that we hope you will find useful in creating your plan.San-J International Inc., the main sponsors of this competition, has provided us with a document on their soy sauce business in the U.S. m...29Oct2021
For ParticipantsThank you for your interest in participating in MCJ2021.The following links will provide you with all the information you need to participate in MCJ2021. Please read them carefully before entering the MCJ2021.We will be adding more content in the future.For ParticipantsReference materials
FAQ(English)The following are answers to questions we have received from participants and those who are considering participating.Some of the questions are important for participants, so we recommend that you check them before registering or making a plan.Please note that there is a possibility that additional items will be added ...22Oct2021
Marketing Competition Japan 2021 Official Rules[Entry Qualifications and Teaming]- Undergraduate students studying in Japan- 3-4 members (everyone needs to speak at least once)- International students are also welcomed[Resister]- Participants are required to register their team at Google Form []until Octobe...22Oct2021rules
今大会ルール応募方法プラン提出締め切り日時2021年11月12日(金)23:59 (必着)提出物プラン概要(日本語:800字以内、Word形式)予算:1千万円プランを説明したプレゼン動画(英語、5分以内、参加者全員の発言を含む)プレゼンスライド(英語、15枚以内、PDF)上記3点をMCJ公式メールに提出。以下の内容を、メール本文に記載すること。チーム名:プレゼンテーションのタイトル:大学名:チーム代表者氏名:チーム代表者メールアドレス:チームメンバー氏名:応募書類を基に審査員による事前審査を行った上で、決勝出場者を決定する。スライドは審査に使われるため、単に視聴効果を狙ったスライドよりも、プランの内容が伝わり易いスライドが好ましい。動画は、実際...16Oct2021
What is MCJ?01. What is Marketing Competition Japan? An English-language presentation contest planned and conducted by the students and faculty of Kobe City University of Foreign Studies. This year marks the 10th time that the contest has been held since its inception in 2011.Based on the presentation theme provided by sponso...14Oct2021What is MCJ
The 1st MCJ Competition (2011)Main SponsorValue Planning co., ltdTopicSales Promotion Strategy for "B-Three Miracle Stretch Pants."Prize-winning teams1st : The University of Tokyo2nd: Kansai University3rd: Kobe City University of Foreign Studies13Oct2021Past MCJ Competitions
参考資料今大会では初の「海外市場マーケティング」ということでプランを作成する上でぜひ参考にしていただきたい諸情報を公開します。また、スポンサー企業の「San-J International Inc.」様から当該企業のアメリカ市場における醤油ビジネスに関する資料をいただいており、チーム登録が完了次第こちらから直接ファイル共有しております。10Oct2021